Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Harry Potter - Do You Leave The Toilet Seat Up?

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows and Toilet Etiquette...

Argghhh! Men!
I have to remind mine to close the lid after he uses the toilet!
You see, according to Feng Shui legend, toilet represents all the bad stuff!
Yeah, we know!

I even saw this jingle on the back of a friend's bathroom,
"If you sprinkle while you tinkle,
Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie..."

Haha... maybe some of you have other `sayings' which you can contribute to this post.

Hence, when we use the BIG HOLE!!! we should close it before we flush all that S*** down the gurgler...

Kind of like, stopping the bad energy from escaping....

Now, I am not sure what this little SWEETIE TWEETIE is looking at, but he must have blocked sinuses!
Hey Sweetie, go somewhere else for your glue-sniffing-fix!

Master of Potty, is Mr Harry Potter.

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